Wednesday, April 6, 2011

It's Thursday!

There are photos in the previous post! Check 'em out!

I complained about the state of my apartment and they actually did something about it! Many of my coworkers led me to believe that I was perfectly welcome to complain, but that I shouldn’t get my hopes up. Some one came by on Tuesday and scrubbed the shit out of my bathroom. It’s so nice to feel like I can safely touch all of the surfaces in my place without contracting some kind of incurable disease. Even the sink is fixed. Did I mention before that it was held together with packing tape? It appears to be repaired fully, no tape in sight. Speaking of tape, one of my goals for the weekend is to find something to hang stuff on the wall with. I have this really fantastic wallpaper on one side (which you’ll get your eyes on shortly) but I brought a bunch of pictures of all of you (and Oliver of course) that I can’t wait to get up.

I have officially just completed my third day of teaching. It is exhausting!! I teach Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2:30 to 7:10 with a 5 minute break every 40 minutes or so. However, that break is mostly devoted to making sure my students make it to and from my classroom, that no one messes with my school computer and that I have all of my documents in order for the next round of ninos. I guess I need to figure out how to say children in Korean. Everyone else teaches until 8:45, which is what I have to look forward to next term. Tuesdays and Thursdays are much more civilized. I only teach from 4:45 to 7:30 or so, but I have to be at school from about 1:30 to 8:30. It gives me time to do the HUGE amount of grading and documenting I’m required to do.

All in all, the teaching is going pretty well. I’m pretty comfortable in front of the classroom, but there is a lot to remember. I think the kids like me for the most part. It’s strange coming in the middle of the term. The students have been shifted from other teachers even though all of the teachers are still in the building. I get asked “But why, teacher?” a lot. And that’s another thing. It is perfectly acceptable here to say “TEACHER” as many times as necessary to get my attention. We are working on my name and raising your hand to talk to me. I have one class in particular that loves giving me a hard time. Even the good kids are getting in on it. I miss adults! Adult students are so civilized! I know that as soon as I get more comfortable with everything it will get easier. I might need some classroom management tips from you teachers out there. You know how to get a hold of me.

Life in general is pretty good. I’m getting to know my coworkers a little better. I guess a few of them gave up drinking for Lent. I think after Easter it will be even easier to get to know them J A few of the people I met at training live in the Seoul area, so it should be easy to find someone to hang out with on the weekends. This schedule just doesn’t lend itself well to extracurricular activities during the workweek.

Keep sending me emails! I’ve been doing my best to write everyone back in a timely fashion. When I have internet (and a phone!) staying in touch will be much easier. I’ll even be able to Skype!

For those that are interested, my Skype address is: elainecatherinewright

1 comment:

  1. I know you'll whip those kids into shape in no time! Thanks for blogging, I love reading about your adventures.

