Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Speaking of North Korea...

Ain't no party like a Pyongyang party, 'cause a Pyongyang party is ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY

North Korea is still a mystery to the world

Apparently, North Korea is making a concerted effort to increase tourism, especially from China. If you go here, there are some really great photos (especially the ones at the end) of North Korean life. It is fascinating to see what North Korea is willing to show foreign journalists and how carefully they are monitoring the image they give the world. Here's one of my favorites of the pictures. 

Photo by David Guttenfelder from the Associated Press. 
I may have recommended it already, but there is a National Geographic special called Inside North Korea, featuring none other than Lisa Ling. It's streaming on Netflix! She accompanies a doctor who is teaching North Korean doctors how to perform cataract surgery. It's a pretty interest glance inside North Korea. Lisa Ling had this to say about it: "I have traveled to many places on many continents, but I never felt my personal freedom limited as much as it was during our time in North Korea."

Anyway, just some stuff to check out if you are both bored AND interested in North Korea. 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The best gift ever.

That's right. It's a succulent. AND A PHONE CHARM. Diane is the best sister ever. Sorry, Andrea, this gift is going to be hard to beat.  Did I mention it's alive???????? I couldn't be more excited.
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Only in Korea

I thought I'd give you some of the random pictures I have taken over the last few months. Some things you'll only see in Korea. Or at least things I think are unique to Korea but someone will be like, Oh, yeah, we have that in ________.  But anyway, here goes. 
This man opened his eyes right after I took this picture. He may have realized I took it, but I just pretended not to notice. 

Do you think it translates?

The post-Mudfest trash pile. That's a lot of soju.

My baseball game snack. It even comes with beak. Pro tip: Even if you don't have time to finish it, do not put the squid in your backpack. I repeat, DO NOT PUT THE SQUID IN YOUR BACKPACK. I don't think I have to tell you why. 

Noraebang with my coworkers after company dinner. 

Some very intoxicated, overly friendly Koreans, who apparently claimed to be gangsters.

This was the ad on the back of the bus seat on my way to the airport. 

My whole class stopped so Alice could braid this girl's hair. Poor Harry, the only boy, was stuck watching too. 

I'm the creep that takes stealthy pictures of other people's children. But considering I was shooting from the hip, I couldn't be more pleased with this picture. 

Three microwaves outside a Family Mart near the National Museum. 
I think this says it all. 

That's my name in Korean. 

Diane bought this poop bread for me. The instructions are as follows: 1. Eat the poop bread   2. Poop   3.  Inspect your poop  4. Eat more poop bread. Obviously.

YES! The Seoul mascot. 

Coworker get away! We spent Korean Thanksgiving relaxing in a pension. It was great.

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Lauren Hillard: Blogger Extraodinaire

Hello everyone!

Just a quick post to recommend that you check out Lauren Hillard's Blog. She is the first friend I made here and she's from Gig Harbor. She is much better about blogging regularly than I am. Her most recent post gives a great recap of the trip she, Diane and I took to Namsan Tower. She has great pictures and amazing detail. It's like you are right there with us!

Anyway, check it out. And keep an eye for pictures from me in the very near future. I'm working on it as we speak!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Secret Garden

My new obsession: Korean dramas. Actually, this Korean drama in particular, Secret Garden. It's 70% sexual tension, 10% mistaken identity and 20% disapproving parents. IT'S WONDERFUL. This is the most famous scene.

The good news is you can watch it online with English subtitles! Here. Just click on an episode and it streams online.

Also, Diane is here. She likes this show too. I'll post pictures of our time together soon!